Welcome to CRAG Tech!

About Us

CRAG Technologies is a small business operating in a small town with the goal to provide general IT support in a convenient way. Not everyone is computer savvy but everyone should have the opportunity to utilize technology in their everyday lives. Our services include remote sessions or at home visits to address a variety of technology related questions, problems, and needs. 

If you live in Willmar, Spicer, New London, or the surrounding areas of Minnesota and could benefit from some technical support in your home let us know! 


We also believe that family and memories are of great importance which is why we are excited to offer a great tape or photo digital conversion service.

Ready To Digitize Your Memories Now?

Converting your old home movies or photos to digital versions is a great way to ensure your memories are preserved forever. Click Here for more information. 

Looking For Some Extra Technical Support?

We believe that everyone should have easy access to technical support. That is why we not only offer remote support, but also in home visits so we can truly address every support need you have. Click Here for more information. 

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Have Additional Questions? Contact Us Now

If you are looking for more information we are here to help! Please feel free to reach out by text, email, or phone. Click Here for more contact information.